
Common Git Operations Advanced

config git

git push with proxy

git -c http.proxy= push

git show 的时候,非ascii字符的文件名显示成 \nnn 形式应该怎么解决

设置 Git 配置文件:在 Git 中运行 git config --global core.quotepath off ,这将关闭引用路径,并允许在 Git 输出中显示非 ASCII 字符。

how to find first commit of specific branch

git log master..branch --oneline | tail -1 git cherry master -v | head -n 1

cherry - Shows the commits on your current branch that aren’t present on a branch upstream (docs). An upstream (master in this case) is a point your current branch derives from. -v - Shows commit names (instead of just SHA’s) - verbose. head - Unix command which prints n number of lines from a text

Update branch without checkout

Git fetch origin master:master
Git branch -f branch-b branch-a 
Will update branch-b to point to the head of branch-a(-f force)

How to compare files from two different branches

git diff mybranch master -- myfile.cs

How can I git stash a specific file?

git stash push <path> git stash push -m welcome_cart app/views/cart/welcome.thtml

How to add file to existing stash in git?

No you can’t

How would I extract a single file (or changes to a file) from a git stash

git checkout stash@{0} -- <filename>

Add only non-whitespace changes

git diff -U0 -w --no-color | git apply --cached --ignore-whitespace --unidiff-zero -

GIT 查找两个commit之间的commit

good 1d4712d3394e1373
bad 03d3c1355d 
git rev-list --ancestry-path 1d4712d3394..03d3c1355d

Stage only deleted files with git add

git ls-files --deleted | xargs git add

Git modify old commit

git rebase --interactive commit^
In the default editor, modify pick to edit in the line mentioning commit.
Save the file and exit. git will interpret and automatically execute the commands in the file. You will find yourself in the previous situation in which you just had created commit 
git commit --all --amend --no-edit
git rebase --continue

Git compare modified files under a folder btwn 2 branches

git diff --name-status r2021/trunk..r2022/trunk -- Testing/Automation/Cube/CivilHarness/CommonLib/DesktopConnectorLib.cs Testing/Automation/Cube/CivilTestCases/DesktopConnector/

remove local branches that have gone remotes:

git fetch -p && for branch in $(git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}'); do git branch -D $branch; done From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7726949/remove-tracking-branches-no-longer-on-remote

git log

git log --after="2014-02-12T16:36:00-07:00"
git log --before="2014-02-12T16:36:00-07:00"
git log --since="1 month ago"
git log --since="2 weeks 3 days 2 hours 30 minutes 59 seconds ago"
git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative

git push ,不希望用git默认的用户名,需要用特别用户名

清空一切,包括 submodule

git clean -xfd
git submodule foreach --recursive git clean -xfd
git reset --hard
git submodule foreach --recursive git reset --hard
git submodule update --init --recursive

常用的 git alias

git config --global alias.co checkout
git config --global alias.br branch
git config --global alias.ci commit
git config --global alias.st status
git config --global alias.fo 'fetch origin'
git config --global alias.poh 'push origin HEAD'
git config --global alias.cia 'commit --amend'
git config --global alias.cian 'commit --amend --no-edit'

Git - how to find first commit of specific branch

加入我们知道branch是从 master 拉出来的

git log master..branch --oneline | tail -1

git cherry master -v | head -n 1

cherry - Shows the commits on your current branch that aren’t present on a branch upstream (docs). An upstream (master in this case) is a point your current branch derives from.
-v - Shows commit names (instead of just SHA’s) - verbose.
head - Unix command which prints n number of lines from a text

Update branch without checkout

# 更新本地的master版本
Git fetch origin master:master
# 更新本地的某个branch-b,使其指向branch-a
Git branch -f branch-b branch-a 

Git error: Encountered 7 file(s) that should have been pointers, but weren’t

git rm --cached -r .
git reset --hard
git rm .gitattributes
git reset .
git checkout .

也要rm  .gitattributes

How to add file to existing stash in git?

No you can’t

How can I git stash a specific file?

git stash push <path>
git stash push -m welcome_cart app/views/cart/welcome.thtml

How to compare files from two different branches

git diff mybranch master -- myfile.cs

How would I extract a single file (or changes to a file) from a git stash

$ git checkout stash@{0} -- <filename>

Add only non-whitespace changes

git diff -U0 -w --no-color | git apply --cached --ignore-whitespace --unidiff-zero -

Checkout Git Tag

$ git checkout tags/<tag> -b <branch>

GIT 查找两个 commit 之间的 commit

good 1d4712d3394e1373
bad 03d3c1355d 
git rev-list --ancestry-path 1d4712d3394..03d3c1355d

Stage only deleted files with git add

git ls-files --deleted | xargs git add

Bisect 用法

good 1d4712d33 
bad 03d3c1355d 
git bisect start --first-parent 03d3c1355d 1d4712d33
git bisect good
git bisect reset bisect/bad

Git modify old commit

git rebase --interactive commit^
# In the default editor, modify pick to edit in the line mentioning commit.
# Save the file and exit. git will interpret and automatically execute the commands in the file. You will find yourself in the previous situation in which you just had created commit modifying
git commit --all --amend --no-edit
git rebase --continue

Git compare modified files under a folder btwn 2 branches

git diff --name-status branch1..branch2 -- Testing/test.cs Testing/Automation/

恢复某文件到某个branch or commit

git restore -s r2022/trunk – Testing/test.cs

git log pretty

git log --graph --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit --date=relative

git log duration

git log --after="2014-02-12T16:36:00-07:00"
git log --before="2014-02-12T16:36:00-07:00"
git log --since="1 month ago"
git log --since="2 weeks 3 days 2 hours 30 minutes 59 seconds ago"

remove local branches that have gone remotes:

git fetch -p && for branch in $(git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}'); do git branch -D $branch; done


Here is an illustration, by Jon Loeliger. Both commit nodes B and C are parents of commit node A. Parent commits are ordered left-to-right. (N.B. The git log –graph command displays history in the opposite order.)

G   H   I   J
 \ /     \ /
  D   E   F
   \  |  / \
    \ | /   |
     \|/    |
      B     C
       \   /
        \ /
A =      = A^0
B = A^   = A^1     = A~1
C = A^2
D = A^^  = A^1^1   = A~2
E = B^2  = A^^2
F = B^3  = A^^3
G = A^^^ = A^1^1^1 = A~3
H = D^2  = B^^2    = A^^^2  = A~2^2
I = F^   = B^3^    = A^^3^
J = F^2  = B^3^2   = A^^3^2

From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2221658/whats-the-difference-between-head-and-head-in-git

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